Haiti - Economy : Graduation and swearing-in of 51 new customs officers - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Economy : Graduation and swearing-in of 51 new customs officers
13/01/2025 05:48:22

Haiti - Economy : Graduation and swearing-in of 51 new customs officers
Friday, January 10, 2025 at the Montana Hotel, the graduation and swearing-in ceremony of 51 new customs officers took place, marking an important milestone for the General Administration of Customs (AGD).

The new officers underwent three months of training at the National Customs School (END), focusing on customs techniques and legislation, in accordance with international standards. "Operational efficiency and maximization of customs performance are essential requirements to meet modern challenges," stressed Julcène Édouard, Director General of the AGD, discussing the challenges of the fight against fraud, corruption and smuggling.

Alfred Métélus, the Minister of Economy and Finance took the opportunity to congratulate the AGD for its remarkable performance, particularly in December 2024, where historic results were achieved despite a difficult context, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-43992-haiti-news-zapping.html . "I congratulate the AGD for its exceptional mobilization of revenues. The Ministry of Economy and Finance will continue to support the institution to maintain this high level of performance."

The Collective of Haitian Customs Officers (CDH) reiterates its confidence in your customs officers, who will play a key role in your revitalization of the national economy, your mobilization of revenues and your fight against insecurity. The CDH hopes that the AGD will continue in its efforts to modernize its services and strengthen your staff's capacities to meet the requirements of international trade.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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